The BerryGood Vision
BerryGoodTeaching is the Soul child of Mama Fe-Fe & Baba Be who met in college back in 2010 in shared businesses classes together, they became study buddies, then platonic friends and later reacquainted years after college and became a union.
Mama Fe-Fe and Baba Be are now married and have 2 children. In their journey of parenting and homeschooling they continue to evolve, grow and rediscovered the depth and importance of teaching and upholding intrinsic values and emphasize on having a spiritual intimate relationship with what we would express as God.
In the journey of they union and homeschooling their children. They shared a vision and saw a great need to create a holistic educational experience & content, that liberates, consciously connects learners to the magic joy and wonder of living & learning with out the world dogma. Uplifting and cultivating confident, creative, and compassionate whole vibrant beings.
In turn theses illuminated vibrant beings naturally will also inspire, uplift, and invite other learners to be empowered with the knowledge that sets them on their paths of a purpose-filled life that continues to inspires draw out the connectives, magic, wonder and joy of human experience here on Earth.
Our Why
Everyone deserves to feel confident in their ability to self discover and self direct their lives in their own fullness and wholeness. Free from the worlds dogma and ideas on who they should be but rooted in their own Inner Whole Beinginess. We are committed to helping inspire, empower and support people to grow into their authentic expression & wholeness. If each person on Earth was raised to cultivate, self discover their natural gifts and talents, what would this world look like?
Could you imagine with us?
This is our why.
Our Values, Philosophy & Approach
Our Berry Good Philosophy & Approach
All of us create the reality we live in based on the stories that we believe and attach ourselves to regarding the world we live in. Ultimately we are creators and can create our own stories. We create our stories based on what we have imagined and experienced. The stories shapes our perspective of the world and our self concept in relationship with the world. We also create our stories based on what we interpret our experiences to mean.
At the same time stories are one of the primal ways that humans share information and emotions, and thus experiences with each other. Within them, stories can invoke imagination and transfer beliefs. Stories are what creates strong families, organizations, and countries.
Therefore, storytelling is a focal point of our philosophy.
Holistic Spiritual Learning :
We challenge our explorers to question what they told and what they think they know. Knowing cause us to close ourselves off from new outcomes and possibilities, it can cause us to be stagnate and fixed in our mindsets. Life is about continual flow, ever evolving and spiritual. When we open and challenger ourselves to expand our perception and seek the interconnectedness to everything. For separation is an illusion and can feed into fear. To create balance of this so called reality We believe it is essential to harmonize to emphasis the interwoveniness and shed light on the feminine aspect that is and thread life together. This put back the wonder and magic of life into life experience and automatically bring the intrinsic values and essence back into our awareness and self discovery process we call learning.
This is done creatively and there isn't a linear method for this but multi layer learning where many time children are learning multi dimensionally and covers multi subjects that beautiful integrates in one learning experience with us.
Where attention goes energy flows and entertainment is an attention grabbing human experience. When we are entertained, our minds are open, our senses are engaged, our emotions are felt. People often turn to entertainment as an escape from the more challenging aspects of life. We believe that learning should be entertaining. We believe that life should be entertaining, and we express this belief by creating entertaining learning content.
Experiential Learning
The wisdom of life often lies in personal experience or in imagining the experience of others through story. Through our teaching methods, we create learning experiences that invite learners to engage with the wisdom that lies in the topic we are teaching, from a holistic perspective. Furthermore, we create real-life holistic experiences that would enhance the attitude and altitude towards learning and expanding our children's perspective on how they interface with life itself.
Experiential learning experiences are multilayered and allow learners to use their whole brain and retain more of what they have learned throughout their experiences. Each part of the course or program reinforces the topics and importance of the subject matter with many interactive activities that keep the learners engaged each step of the way.
Life is about flow and flow is movement. We believe in blending play and unstructured play which encourages physical movement and connection with nature and ultimately embodying the fact that we are a part of nature.
Berry Good Values
Spirituality: The source of the material world we live in is the spiritual world. The spiritual world is the real world and what we see is the effect. A spiritual foundation and connection with the source of all is a rootedness in reality itself.
Expression & Creativity: We are a part of the ultimate creator and we are creators ourselves. When we express that creativity we are in the flow of our soul's expression and that is a part of what we came here for.
Family: Our society is only as strong as our families are. We believe in healthy family morale and the essential role that families play within our society at large. A healthy family is the thread that makes up our society. It is essential.
We encourage and promote balanced and genuine family dynamics. More specifically we encourage families where everyone is valued and understands the role of serving and preserving the family itself as well as the greater good of society.
Empowerment: Potential comes from the latin words potent - being able to and potentia - power. We value children knowing their power and using their power to positively impact their lives, the lives of their families, communities and thus society at large.
Self-reliance & Inter-depence: Self-reliance begins with owning your own power and response ability for your own life. With self-reliance and independence comes the opportunity for independence which is the connection with other independent beings who know they are whole and can share their wholeness with you and receive wholeness from you.