Our Berry Good Friends
Our BerryGoodFriends are other service providers and product creators that we have built relationships with. Check out their amazing offerings that can help enhance you and your child's educational experience.
Holistic Health & Wellness
Fe-Fe The Holistic Gypsy Aka The Practical Mystic is a Holistic Coach, Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified Detox Specialist, Clinical Iridologist & Regeneration Specialist. She is also a Spiritual Self Empowerment Advocate & Holistic Living Advocate. FefeTheHolisticgypsy.com is a Private Online Holistic Health and Wellness Club. An online safe space for self-healing, growth & transformation.
Some of the Services & Support offered are:
Informative Content about Natural Holistic Health & Wellness
Birth Chart Readings
Spiritual & Holistic Perspectives
Shadow Work & Emotional Healing Content
Monthly Live Online Events & soon Classes
Holistic Programs & Challenges
Detailed Iridology Readings & Reports
Customized Detox Protocol
Holistic Coaching
Supportive Content For Holistic Healing/ Detoxing
Supportive Content for Holistic Living
Holistic Herbal Shop
Other Online Support

Need Professional Customized Self Pace Courses, E-learning, 2D Animation, Instructional Design?
Quarius Learning is made up of a powerful network of passionate Instructional Designers and e-Learning specialists. Within their global network is a wealth of experience gleaned from many different industries. Their advantage is that they are adaptable, flexible and ready to WOW you. With their processes they are able to pull creativity and innovation from many places to create forward-thinking and effective learning tools. Provide innovative learning tools for corporations, small businesses, and sole proprietors to use for years to come.
Other Academic Organization, Classes Educators
Teacher Jade is a teacher and coach who offers English Language Arts and Black History classes and courses. She has over 12 years of experience as a teacher and has been raved about by parents across the country.

The Village Method (TVM) is a grassroots, community-based organization founded by husband and wife team, Mark and Mahea Gaskins. At TVM, our mission is to strengthen communities by being a conduit of empowerment for youth and families of African-ancestry. We stand in the gaps developing systems of engagement that benefit our community. This includes gaps in education, civic representation, access to opportunities and other areas where advocacy is needed. We do this by promoting youth development, family engagement and community outreach.