To build a better mindset you must look at your mind square in the mind and say, “hey mind!!! Change!” I'm kidding.
You do need to look at your mind (square in the mind) and find all of the beliefs that hold you back from the mindset you want, though. Once you find them, you smash them, then you add the beliefs you do want in your mind.

Look at your mind like a garden. Your negative thoughts are weeds. Your negative beliefs are the root of the weeds. Pull the weeds by the root, then replace them with positive beliefs. Beliefs that serve you. Need a quick way to smash a belief? First identify your beliefs Ask yourself this questions and write your answers down. Answer with your gut/instincts/intuition. What do I believe? Examples are: All rich people are snobs; Math is hard; Life is a struggle. Validate your beliefs Ask yourself this question (refer to each belief you want to change) and write down your answers next to each belief you want to change. What reasons do you have for adopting this belief?
Counter your belief Ask yourself this question (refer to each belief you want to change) and write down your answers next to each belief you want to change. What evidence do you have against this belief?
Open to change Ask yourself this question (refer to each belief you want to change) and write down your answers next to each belief you want to change. What new belief do you want to replace this belief with? Example: Life is great, Rich people create value, etc.
What is your evidence for this new belief?
Lock it in Look for opportunities to prove your new belief correct. Look to yourself and others. If you need more help, I can do a session for you. Sometimes beliefs are so deeply rooted that we need heavier equipment to pull them out. If you don't need more help that's fine too. Just know that your beliefs are at the root of your mindset. Change your beliefs, Change your life. All the Best Brandon The Builder Berry